Use of radio frequency resource of Ukraine


Use of radio frequency resource of Ukraine

Standard DMR in terms of using the radio frequency resource of Ukraine.

To use the system of operative technological radio communication on the basis of DMR standard, it is necessary to obtain a Permit for operation. The permit for operation is issued for each radio electronic device, installed at a location with specific geographic coordinates, with the definition of conditions for electromagnetic compatibility with other radio-electronic means and using specific frequencies.

The procedure for receiving permission is divided into three main stages:
1. Submission of the application for receipt from the State Enterprise "UCRF" Conclusions on electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of electronic means (RES). The maximum term of preparation of conclusions takes 80 calendar days. In the case of the need for international coordination, the period of preparation of the conclusion shall be extended for a period specified by the ITU Radio Regulations or relevant international treaties.
The Applicant shall be informed in writing about the necessity to agree with the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and / or the international coordination of the UCRF within five working days from the date of dispatch of the documents to the appropriate authorities. The conclusions of the EMC REF are issued for a period of 6 months, during which it is necessary to build an operational radio communication system (SOP).
2. Upon completion of the installation (installation) of the fixed-type RES for which an EMC opinion was issued, the UCRF, in accordance with the procedure established by the NKRZI, conducts acceptance tests in the place of exploitation in co-operation with the Applicant. According to the results of acceptance tests, an act of initial technical control is formed, which is the basis for the decision on the possibility of granting a permit for operation.
 Full (test) tests are conducted by the Applicant in accordance with the Procedure for conducting acceptance tests of radio-electronic devices and emitters at the site of operation, approved by the decision of the National Commission for Regulation of Communications of July 26, 2007 No. 854, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on August 10, 2007, for No. 930/14197, and special conditions of the EMC Conclusion.
The results of field tests and test tests are executed by a protocol, one copy of which is sent to the UCRF for decision on the possibility of granting a permit for operation.
According to the results of acceptance tests, an act of initial technical control is formed, which is the basis for the decision on the possibility of granting a permit for operation.
3. Submission of applications for Permits for operation of stationary and subscriber RES. Applications are filed by the Applicant before the expiration of the relevant conclusions regarding EMC.
 The permit shall be issued to the applicant not later than within three days after the submission of a document confirming the payment for the preparation of conclusions on electromagnetic compatibility and for the issuance of permits. The applicant personally, through the authorized body or person, receives operating permits at the head office of the UCRF (Affiliates) at the place of registration of the application. The period of validity of the permit for the operation of subscriber RES may not exceed the validity period of the license for the operation of the connected base station of the radio network.
- In case of non-payment by the Applicant within 30 calendar days from the date of sending him an account for work on preparation and drawing up an opinion on the EMC UCRF in writing informs about the necessity of paying the account.
 If within 15 calendar days from the date of sending of the re-informing the account will not be paid, the UCRF cancels the results of the relevant work, as reported in writing to the Applicant.
- If the Applicant within 30 calendar days from the day it was sent to him a notice and account for payment for the preparation and execution of the permit for operation did not provide a document confirming the payment of fees for these works, the UCRF cancels the decision to issue the corresponding permit.
- Continuation of the validity of the permit for operation is carried out in accordance with Article 44 of the Law of Ukraine. Upon issuance of the new operating permit, the permit, which was to be renewed, is invalidated.
- If, due to the modernization of the radio network, changes in the radiation parameters of individual RESs are required, the user must obtain a new opinion on EMC and a permit for operation. After the issuance of a new permit for the operation of the RES, the permit, whose radiation parameters required a change, is invalidated.
- In case of non-payment by the Applicant within 30 calendar days from the date of sending him an account for work on preparation and drawing up an opinion on the EMC UCRF in writing informs about the necessity of paying the account.
 If within 15 calendar days from the date of sending of the re-informing the account will not be paid, the UCRF cancels the results of the relevant work, as reported in writing to the Applicant.
- If the Applicant within 30 calendar days from the day it was sent to him a notice and account for payment for the preparation and execution of the permit for operation did not provide a document confirming the payment of fees for these works, the UCRF cancels the decision to issue the corresponding permit.
- Continuation of the validity of the permit for operation is carried out in accordance with Article 44 of the Law of Ukraine. Upon issuance of the new operating permit, the permit, which was to be renewed, is invalidated.
- If, due to the modernization of the radio network, changes in the radiation parameters of individual RESs are required, the user must obtain a new opinion on EMC and a permit for operation. After the issuance of a new permit for the operation of the RES, the permit, whose radiation parameters required a change, is invalidated.

Implementation of the DMR standard in Ukraine is regulated by the following key guiding documents:

• Law of Ukraine "On Radio Frequency Resource of Ukraine" dated October 4, 2018, No. 1770-III;

• Law of Ukraine "On Telecommunications" dated November 4, 2018 No. 1280-IV;

• CMU Resolution "On Approval of the National Table of Radio Frequency Allocation of Ukraine" of 15.12.2005 No 1208 (Revision of 02.08.2018);

• CMU Resolution "On Approval of the Plan for the Use of the Radio Frequency Resource of Ukraine" dated June 9, 2006 No. 815 (Revision from August 31, 2018);

• Normative legal acts of the National Commission, which carry out state regulation in the field of communication and informatization, and current normative acts of the National Commission on Communications Regulation of Ukraine.

National organizations regulating the implementation of the DMR standard in Ukraine:

• National Commission for State Regulation of Communications and Informatization (NCCRI). NKRZI is the state regulatory body in the field of telecommunications, informatization, use of radio frequency resource and provision of postal services. In the defined area, the NCCRI exercises the authority of the licensing body, the permit authority, the regulatory body and the state supervision body (control);

• State Enterprise "Ukrainian State Center of Radio Frequencies" (UCRF). UCRF belongs to the management of the National Commission, which carries out state regulation in the field of communication and informatization. In the defined area UGTSR takes the fate in the implementation of state supervision over compliance with the legislation on the radio frequency resource of Ukraine, carries out international protection, coordination of radio frequencies, takes fate in the work of the International Telecommunication Union.

The Ukrainian Mobile Telesystems Company was founded in 1996 and is active in the professional radio communications market, being the official Motorola distributor and system integrator.

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