The anti-corruption program is designed to protect the rights and freedoms of citizens, to ensure law, order and public security, and is the basic document of LLC UKRAINIAN MOBILE TELESYSTEMS, which defines the principles and requirements aimed at preventing corruption and adherence to the norms of anti-corruption legislation, management, employees and others. persons who can act on behalf and on behalf of the enterprise.
The anti-corruption program was developed in accordance with the requirements of the Law of Ukraine "On the Principles of State Anti-Corruption Policy in Ukraine (Anticorruption Strategy) for 2014-2017" of 16.10.2014 № 1699-VII, Law of Ukraine "On the Principles of Prevention and Counteraction of Corruption" of 07.04.2011 № 3206-VI of the Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on the Implementation of the Action Plan for the Liberalization by the European Union of the Visa Regime for Ukraine as to the Responsibility of Legal Entities" of 23.05.2013 No.314-VII, the Law of Ukraine "On Prevention of Corruption" of 14.10 .2014 r. No. 1700-VII.
The anticorruption program of UKRAINIAN MOBILE TELESYSTEMS Ltd. reflects the support of the state's anticorruption strategy, which is confirmed by the use of ethical standards and principles for providing information on the execution of works and the provision of services at the established rates, testifies to the company's desire to improve the corporate culture, to follow the best practices of corporate governance and support business reputation of the enterprise at the proper level.
The enterprise defines the following goals:
- Minimize the risks of involving an organization, management and employees, regardless of their position in corrupt activities;
- To form from counteragents, employees and other persons a holistic unified awareness and understanding of the anti-corruption program of the enterprise on the rejection of corruption in any of its manifestations;
- to explain the main provisions of the anti-corruption legislation of Ukraine;
- include in the duty of the employees of the enterprise to know and adhere to the principles and requirements of this anti-corruption program, the main provisions of anti-corruption legislation, as well as adequate measures to prevent corruption.
LLC "UKRAINIAN MOBILE TELESISTEMI" places a true anti-corruption program in free access on the official website of (Anticorruption Program) on the Internet, publicly declares its rejection of corruption, congratulates and encourages compliance with the principles and requirements of this anti-corruption program by all contractors, its employees and other people.
12 March 2019