Motorola HKVN4065A

MOTOTRBO Radio Management Licence Key 

  • This orders the licence key to add an additional 500 radio archives to the Radio Management (RM) Server. 
  • The RM Server can store and manage up to 5,000 radio codeplug archives. 
  • The initial installation contains free licences for 10 radio archives by default. 
  • Additional radio archives for Wired or OTAP management and programming need to be purchased. 
  • The RM Server can store codeplug and template information for All MOTOTRBO radios when read/written via cable. However ONLY certain MOTOTRBO radios can be programmed over the air (OTAP). 
  • NOTE 1: This license is no-longer required since the latest version of Radio Management (2.1.17) does NOT require the purchase of a license in order to add devices to the Server. 
  • NOTE 2: This license will no-longer be available from the end of 2017, so in order to continue adding devices to the Radio Management Server it is important to upgrade to the latest version of Radio Management before then.
The Ukrainian Mobile Telesystems Company was founded in 1996 and is active in the professional radio communications market, being the official Motorola distributor and system integrator.

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