The OSCE, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, which brings together 57 States parties from North America, Europe and Asia, is the world's largest regional security organization. It works for the sake of stability, peace and democracy in the interests of over a billion people, carrying out a political dialogue on common values and has a practical orientation aimed at making our world better.
The OSCE serves as a forum for political dialogue on a broad range of security issues and a platform for joint action to improve the lives of people and their communities. The organization uses a comprehensive security approach that encompasses military-political, economic, environmental and human dimensions. Through this approach, the OSCE helps to overcome differences, build trust between states through cooperation in conflict prevention, crisis management and post-conflict reconstruction.
Through its institutes, expert divisions and the field operations network, the OSCE deals with issues affecting our overall security, including arms control, terrorism, good governance, energy security, trafficking in human beings, democratization, freedom of the media and national minorities.
LLC "Ukrainian Mobile TeleSystems" cooperates with many OSCE Ukraine entities such as the OSCE Project Coordinator in Ukraine, the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission in Ukraine, and many others. During the years of cooperation, a variety of radio equipment was delivered to the needs of the organization, namely:
19 March 2019
18 March 2019