Connect Plus multi-site digital trunking is a two-way radio system that enables you to accommodate the high volume, wide area communication your business requires. Whether you need coverage at a single site or across multiple sites, Connect Plus can be scaled to meet your communication needs. Your work teams can not only talk to one another or the main facility, they can also use data applications to make their jobs more efficient and safe, including text messaging, location tracking and dispatch capability. All the while, you gain the added benefits of TDMA digital technology like increased capacity and clear audio. Сonnect Plus multi-site digital trunking is a two-way radio system that enables you to accommodate the high volume, wide area communication your business requires.
When your business is growing beyond a small enterprise; when you`re coordinating operations over several different sites; when your existing communications system is getting congested, that`s when you need to move to a digital trunked two-way radio solution. And that`s where Connect Plus can help.
Connect Plus multi-site digital trunking is a two-way radio system that enables you to accommodate the high volume, wide area communication your business requires. Whether you need coverage at a single site or across multiple sites, Connect Plus can be scaled to meet your communication needs. Your work teams can not only talk to one another or the main facility, they can also use data applications to make their jobs more efficient and safe, including text messaging, location tracking and dispatch capability. All the while, you gain the added benefits of TDMA digital technology like increased capacity and clear audio.
You can assign important users like managers or security personnel a priority status so they have fast access when the system is in high demand.
As you travel from one site to the next, you can keep your focus on the job instead of hassling with manual site changes. Dynamic site roaming automatically registers you with the nearest site so you can travel and always stay connected.
Users will only register with the nearest site controller rather than all the controllers in the system. This Dynamic Site Assignment makes the system far more efficient. It uses only those resources that are needed at each site to complete your call, so the overall capacity of your system is increased.
To protect your investment in IT and IP (Internet Protocol) infrastructures, you can link multiple sites together using the technology you already have.
The network manager interface makes it simple to bring new radios on line, to adjust priority levels and to monitor activity in real time and on a historical basis.
Seamless maintenance makes it possible to update radio records, add radios or even add sites without disrupting business activity.
A three-level check helps to prevent unauthorized users from accessing the system. In addition, the network manager's disable feature makes it easy for you to remotely deactivate a lost or stolen radio.
• Up to 250 Sites
• Up to 15 Repeaters per Site
• UP to 420 Repeaters per System
• Up to 3000 Radios per Site (recommended)